How Big Is Australia Compared to the United States?

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How Big Is Australia to the US?

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12 years ago

➡ ➡ 😮 😈 🙂 😯 🙁 🙄 so good and bad

12 years ago

I was an exchange student from the US to Australia in 1978. It is my understanding that Australia is approximately 200 square miles smaller than the continental United States.

Pablo Thomas`
Pablo Thomas`
12 years ago

So I am pretty sure that ya’ll forgot that we own Alaska as well.

Reply to  Pablo Thomas`
11 years ago

Australia claim Ashmore and Cartier Islands ,Christmas Island ,Cocos (Keeling) Islands ,Coral Sea Islands ,Territory of Heard and McDonald Islands ,Macquarie Island ,Norfolk Island and 6.1 million sq km of Antarctica. So stick that up your arse.

11 years ago

A simple google of ‘who owns the Antarctic?’answers your question, no need to be insulting…especially considering you’re spouting a half truth!! Australia is one of SEVEN nations claiming the Antarctic! More important, there is a treaty in place that 12 nations have agreed to follow regarding everything from future claims to scientific work. Stick that in your brain pan.

Maureen from PghPA
Maureen from PghPA
11 years ago

I don’t care who claims what… I just hope I can see Australia before I die. I’ve been fascinated for years, and two of my favorite movies are “Rabbit Proof Fence” – the special features in the DVD are specfuc*ingTACULAR, and the movie “Australia” I thought was really awesome in it’s own right. *sigh* Still waiting to hit the lottery or something so I can find my way there.

10 years ago

I am an Australian on 12 month work exchange to the US and can attest both countries are amazing. Size is irrelevant. I love the US and havig visited 27 states in the 12 months have still only scratched the surface. Maureen, I hope you get over to Aus as it is also just as brilliant.

Maureen from PghPA
Maureen from PghPA
10 years ago

Thanks for the email, Stu. I’m still trying to hit a lottery for my trip! Seriously, I’m still wanting to get to AUS. Where have you been in the US? What have you liked the best? And the worst? They are two truly amazing countries, that’s for sure. I hope to hear from you and your thoughts about the US.

10 years ago

Check out my wife’s blog Based in Colorado for the exchange, had never seen snow before, now I’m addicted to snowboarding. I love it. And 3 of my boys have taken it up also. Best. God where to start. Mountains would have to be it. On the weekend I climbed a 14’er which is twice the night of Aus tallest peak. There is so much to do i dont know how i could keep my current pace up if I lived here full time. You don’t need to win the lottery, just do it. I am from just south… Read more »

Maureen from PghPA
Maureen from PghPA
10 years ago

Just awesome, thanks again for the update. I love the fact that you haven’t seen snow AND you’re enjoying it, too boot. LOL. Colo is probably one of the most beautiful places here in the US. I have been to Utah (I’m currently in Pennsylvania) and after I left Utah, I REALLY missed seeing the mountains. Please keep me posted on your whereabouts. It’s so refreshing to see/hear it from someone else’s eyes.

Maureen from PghPA
Maureen from PghPA
10 years ago

Hey Stu, I just checked out the blog per your first post, and it’s amazing. You guys (mates) must be having an awesome time there in Colo. What a great way to spend 12 months… If you get any time to anywhere else, I highly recommend going to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Ohio, or the Florida Keys (any of them, but Key West is pretty cool). There both diametrically opposed to where you are, but equally impressive as to what they offer. They’re both, what I think if you have a chance to see,… Read more »

10 years ago

To you who want to brag about who’s bigger…. who cares!
USA, 9,826,675km2…, Aust, 7,692,024km2.
But I’d still rather live here in Australia.
But then, I’m Bias!
I’ve travelled the USA and Australia, both countries are Beautiful, Fun and Exciting!
Before you judge each others countries… travel and enjoy.

Maureen from PghPA
Maureen from PghPA
10 years ago

I didn’t ask that to brag… I really didn’t know just how big AUS is. Believe me, I’d be on my way there right now if I could. I’d love to tour all of AUS.

Al Pugachev
Al Pugachev
10 years ago

You don’t own Alaska. Alaska is part of the US. You never say we own Colorado. A better competition is: We killed more people than you to claim the lands we own.

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