Australian Women Getting Fatter

I hear this quite often from Aussies that their nation is getting fatter and fatter and it appears it is true:

YOUNG women are getting fatter but they are clueless when it comes to shedding those extra kilos, according to a new body image survey.

The Cosmopolitan magazine survey of more than 5000 Australian women aged 18-34 found about 42 per cent considered themselves overweight or obese.

And almost half said if they could change one thing about their life it would be their body.

Ten per cent of respondents were so body depressed they said they would happily trade four or more years off their lives to slim down.

The survey found women today weigh more than a decade ago, with obesity rates up by almost 20 per cent. [Herald-Sun]

However, from my own subjective analysis from living here I do have to say that Australia has quite a ways to go before catching up to the US in the obesity department.  I have never seen anyone here that has to use an electrical wheel chair to get around because they are so over weight like I would regularly see in the US.  I would say in general Australians live a more active lifestyle than Americans thus are not as obese as Americans.    

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