For those that don’t know, prostitution is perfectly legal in Australia and now some sex workers are coming out and disclosing some of the strange fetishes Australian men
The First Fleet of convicts and soldiers with their families arrived in Sydney Harbor in January 1788 to construct the first colonial settlement in Australia. The fleet of
Unless Americans have gone on a massive weight loss kick in the last few years, I find this hard to believe: AUSTRALIA has become the fattest nation in
Business Week has just published its annual list of the World’s Best Places to Live and both Australia and New Zealand placed fairly high in the rankings. For
For a land known for its lack of trees, Australia actually has an incredible variety of fascinating trees that come in all shapes and sizes. However, there is
Yesterday April 25th was ANZAC Day here in Australia. Across Australia Aussies remembered the ANZAC soldiers of World War I along with other Australian soldiers of the past
A species that flourishes unlike any other in Australia’s environment are reptiles. The United States has less then one third the amount of reptiles that flourish on the