Places on Kauai: Lydgate State Park

Basic Information

  • Name: Lydgate Beach Park
  • Where: Wailua, Kauai
  • Hours: Anytime
  • Cost: Free
  • More Information: Hawaii Beach Safety

Picture from Lydgate Park


From the main city of Lihue take the Kuhio Highway east towards Wailua.  Just before reaching the Wailua River the Hilton Garden Inn is visible on the ocean side of the highway.  Make a right and follow Leho Drive down to Lydgate State Park.


At Lydgate State Park there is a very large parking lot that is free for people to use.  In the morning there are very few people who use the park.  During the day there are many more people at the park, but there should still be no issues with finding a space.


Lydgate State Park is a beach front recreational area located on the east side of the Hawaiian island of Kauai.  The park has a paved path that I run on as part of a jogging course I use when visiting Kauai.  Usually early in the morning I see more chickens than people at the park:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Along the path there are a number of informative signs about the area for visitors to read:

Picture from Lydgate Park

The park has a lot of grass for people to picnic on:

Picture from Lydgate Park

There are also a few covered picnic sites for visitors to use as well:

Picture from Lydgate Park

The park also has a lagoon that can be used for swimming, but the rest of the beach features dangerous rip tides:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Near the park there is also a large golf course for those who like to golf:

Picture from Lydgate Park

For kids the Bynum Bridge in the park is a lot of fun:

Picture from Lydgate Park

The bridge is a giant multi-level maze:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Here is a close up look at the sign that explains how the maze is named after Tim Bynum who was part of the Kauai Country Council who passed away in 2016:

Picture from Lydgate Park

My kids can spend hours playing in this park:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Due to the sacred nature of the Wailua River a number of temples were constructed along the river such as the Hikinaakala Heiau located near the mouth of the river that is part of Lydgate State Park:

Adjacent to Lydgate State Park is the Wailua Bridge that has a sidewalk that I use as part of my jogging course:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Near the bridge are some informative signboards.  One sign describes the history of the various bridges that crossed the Wailua River:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Another sign describes the history of the ahupua’a land division system that was once used by native Hawaiians to divide up lands among the islands by river valleys.  The Wailua River valley used to be one of these land divisions:

Picture from Lydgate Park

There was another sign that explains how sacred the Wailua River was to the native Hawaiian people:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Here is a picture of the pathway across the bridge:

Picture from Lydgate Park

Here is a picture looking at the mouth of the Wailua River with Lydgate State Park pictured on the right:

Picture from Lydgate Park


Lydgate State Park is a really nice park for locals and visitors alike on Kauai to enjoy.  The swimming at the park is not that great, but is a nice place for a walk or picnic.  For those that have kids I highly recommend checking out the Bynum Bridge.  I even had fun playing in the maze!

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