The Guam Trail Finder

Welcome to the Guam Trail Finder

Below is a listing of the trails I have hiked on Guam for easy reference for those interested in completing some of these hikes. If anyone wants to add their own trip report from a hike they completed on Guam please send it to me and I will add it here to my Guam Trail Finder page.  I will continue to add new hikes to this list as I complete them.  Please leave a comment if you have any questions and thanks for visiting On Walkabout.



Distance (miles)

Elevation Gain (feet)


Anao Trail 3.5 558 Moderate
Double Reef Beach Trail 4.5 366 Moderate
Fonte Dam Trail 1.6 400 Easy
Haputo Beach Trail 1.0 300 Easy
Mt. Jumullong Manglo Trail 2.0 704 Moderate
KAL Flight 801 Memorial Trail 5.5 413 Easy
Latte Trail  2.0 26 Easy
Libugon Radio Station Trail  1.8 397 Easy
Mt. Lamlam Trail 3.5 833 Moderate
Mt. Schroeder Trail 1.2 163 Hard
Mt. Tenjo, Alutom, & Chachao Loop Trail  5.7 832 Moderate
Pagat Caves Trail  2.0 481 Moderate
 Piti Guns Trail  .5 50 Easy
Sella Bay to Cetti Bay Trail 5.0 423 Moderate
Spanish Steps Trail 1.0 150 Easy
Taguan Trail  1.3 362 Moderate
Tarague Beach Trail  4.0 None Easy
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8 years ago

Hi there:) Thanks for your information. It’s awesome! I have a question if you don’t mind… I am going to be on Guam for 1 week only. Soon next week! I live in Washington state and hike here all the time. What are the top 5 hikes that you recommend the most? I don’t usually like things that are too busy / touristy. But, if it’s REALLY awesome I can deal with some of that too I guess…

8 years ago

Thank you very much!

Walt Woodruff
Walt Woodruff
8 years ago

I have read reports/books of there being numerous Japanese caves/bunkers in the Mt. Alifan area. I would like to find that area. I’ve hiked up Mt Alifan starting from behind the elementary school, but the only WWII structure I came across was a concrete base for a communications antenna.

Richard Allen
Richard Allen
7 years ago

Hey Dobbs. Do you by chance have any connection to the individual that wrote the “The Best Tracks on Guam” book? I’ve tries to get a copy but they are apparently out of print and not making more. It would be awesome if we could get a new batch made up. I know several people here have voiced an interest in snagging a copy. Thanks for the great articles and hiking tips.

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