What To Do If You See A Mountain Lion

With all the recent sightings of mountain lions in the Colorado Springs area this winter, KKTV has an article posted about the issue that includes some good tips on what to do if you see a mountain lion:

Mountain Lion Safety Tips:
• If you see a lion, do not approach it. Stay calm and stand upright. Talk loudly and firmly at the lion and back away slowly. Do not turn your back.
• Do not run: Some experts believe that running can trigger a predator instinct in mountain lions; the lion will react to you the same way it reacts to a fleeing deer or elk.
• Do all you can to appear larger: raise your arms and hold your jacket or shirt open wide.
• Mountain lions tend to avoid people and rarely attack unless cornered. A cougar that is about to attack may have ears held back, snarl or growl, or twitch its tail.
• If the lion appears aggressive, throw stones, branches, your backpack or anything that is handy.
• If attacked, fight for your life. Use any weapon and advantage available such as rocks, binoculars or flashlight. Direct your defense to vulnerable areas such as eyes, inner nose and ears, ribs and abdomen.
• Stay in groups when hiking, cycling or running in lion country. Do not let small children hike or play alone.
• Make enough noise when hiking, cycling or running that you do not get too close without them hearing you coming. Lions that hear you coming will leave an area before you get there.
• If you find a dead animal on or near your property, have it removed promptly. Mountain lions often cover dead animals with leaves or dirt and return later to feed.
• Keep yards and residences well-lit at night.
• Remove plant shrubs next to your home where mountain lions can hide.
• Keep dogs and other pets inside. If you keep dogs in a kennel, be sure it is enclosed with a screen on top. Dogs have been trapped and attacked inside their own open-top kennels.
• Take proactive measures to secure fencing for chickens, goats and other farm animals.  [KKTV.com]

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