Gazette’s Peak of the Week: Mt. Bierstadt, Colorado

Here is another article in the local Gazette newspaper featuring a Colorado 14er, this time Mt. Bierstadt:

With its close proximity to Denver and relatively easy route to the summit, Mount Bierstadt is one of the more popular mountains for first-time climbers.

Albert Bierstadt, a famous painter of western scenery, was possibly the first white man to ascend the mountain that now bears his name.

From the top, you can see Denver, the parking lot from which you started and cars parked on the summit of nearby Mount Evans; and you likely will be joined by a host of new friends. Yet through all that, the awesome majesty of the mountain still wins as you will be just as inspired by the landscape as Bierstadt must have been nearly 150 years ago. [The Gazette/Out There Colorado]

You can read the rest at the link. For those that have not I also highly recommend reading about my winter ascent up this great mountain as well:

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