Warmist Leonardo DiCaprio Sure Loves His Private Jet

The way I look at it, once the warmists start living their lives like a man made global warming catastrophe is just around the corner than maybe then I will start listening to them:

Er, isn’t Leonardo DiCaprioall about saving the planet?

He heads up an eco-charity that he named after himself, he’s best mates with Al Gore, he only drives hybrid cars …and he flies in a private jet.

Leo’s been living here in Oz for a few months filming The Great Gatsby, but he had to pop back to the states last week to launch his new movie J.Edgar.

With his promotional work done, the megastar and his entourage returned from New York to Sydney yesterday in a private jet.  [NineMSN via Tim Blair]

I’m sure he bought carbon offsets to prevent him from having any guilty conscious.  It just does make you wonder how these prominent warmists can be so blatantly hypocritical flying around in all their private jets?

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