Historic Billy the Kid Photograph Is Sold For $2.3 Million

This is a pretty amazing amount to pay even for a photograph as historic as this:

A 130-year-old photo, billed as the only authenticated picture of legendary outlaw Billy the Kid, sold for $2.3 million at a Denver auction Saturday night.

The Old West Show & Auction had estimated the tintype — an early photographic technique that used metal plates — to bring in between $300,000 and $400,000.

“When the bidding ended, the whole room erupted in clapping and people leapt to their feet,” said Melissa McCracken, spokeswoman for the auction. “I’ve never experienced anything like this before,”

The winning bidder was billionaire William Koch.  [CNN]

Mr. Koch must be a huge fan of Old West history to pay such an amount for this photo.  Then again he is a billionaire so maybe he doesn’t have much else to do with his money?

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Jeffrey Miller
13 years ago

Yikes! That is a lot!

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