El Paso Hits 100 Day Mark Without Rain

It’s official El Paso has now gone 100 straight days without rain:

It’s been 100 days and counting without any precipitation in the Borderland. The all time record is 109 days.”It would be nice to get some moisture,” said Cassandra Rodriguez, a west El Paso resident.Some are concerned about animals coming down from the mountain in search of water.”It’s very dry. I think that’s why the mountain lion came down,” said Anita Hernandez.A mountain lion was recently spotted in El Paso, as well as a bobcat.”I mean, they are obviously looking for water, and we can’t provide it; that sucks,” Rodriguez told KFOX 14.KFOX 14 contacted El Paso Water Utilities to see if the dry spell will impact the water supply in the city.Christina Montoya, a spokeswoman, said the water supply in El Paso is good despite the drought. She said if the drought persisted into next summer, then there would be more concern.Montoya said water conservation, recycling water, and a fairly new desalination system are all helping to keep El Paso’s water supply sufficient.  [KFOX TV]

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13 years ago

poor animals instead of wasting our tax money in something el paso doesnt need they should waste it on making some pond or cascade in the mountains to provide the animals with water that way our kids will be safe 

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