The Australian immigration minister seems a bit delusional if he thinks multiculturalism has worked any better in Australia than it has in Europe:
AFP/File – Fire engulfs the United Church hall next door to an Islamic centre in Sydney's multi-cultural suburb …
Australia has told European countries its model of multiculturalism is “the best in the world”, weighing in on a fiery debate in Britain, France and Germany where leaders have called the project a failure.
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said Australia’s assimilation of different cultures was “genius” because it encourages immigrants to integrate as citizens rather than behave simply as “guest workers”.
“To me, multiculturalism is a bit like a marriage. It has its stresses and strains,” Bowen told the conservative Sydney Institute think-tank late on Wednesday.
“We have to remind each other occasionally that we are better off with each other. It takes nurturing; it takes care.
“It is in that spirit tonight that I quite proudly proclaim that Australian multiculturalism has worked. [AFP]
From first hand experience I can say that for the most part the various immigrant communities to Australia did integrate very well. For example the Chinese immigrant community from Australia’s Gold Rush days are a key part of Australian society. Basically the immigrant communities that have integrated well in Australia are also ones that would integrate well in European countries too. However, just like in Europe Australia has had problems integrating its Muslim immigrants, which has led to anti-Muslim backlash in some communities. If you read the rest of the AFP article you will see that there has been 20 people arrested in Australia for terrorism related charges. You don’t see other immigrant groups trying to launch terrorist attacks within the country. Heck, even the Taliban has recognized the problems integrating Muslims into Australian society which they think is a good thing.
Than you have the boat people issue, where many of these asylum seekers are poor Muslims that are washing up on Australian shores. This issue continues to cause controversy in Australia on how to address it.
Than finally the immigration minister has conveniently ignored the plight of the Aborigines within Australia. I guess they don’t count as part of multiculturalism.
Dear All, I found some conditions in Australia, related with the immigrants, are worse than before, the first time I came to Australia. I found there are some spying activities in individuals level to enable some of the spies to get what they want, or successful in Australia. Some of the spies are students. They are spying for the individual purpose. However in the mass quantity, it will influence the social behaviour, manner, and national defence of Australia as a whole. The spying devices, such as surveillance equipments, tracking device (which even was reported in the news can be done… Read more »
graham bell
13 years ago
Does anyone actually realize how pathetic you all are? What country do you compare Australia to? Surrounded by Asian countries, where nepotism, corruption and mafia tactics are good manners in business at best of times. Europe, Japan or any half way civilized country is a million miles away. When you brag about your great time overseas, which was actually in Great Britten. You could’ve stayed at home, they are just the same kind of Island monkeys as you are. What could they possibly tell you about the rest of the world without utter disrespect or arrogance for other cultures? You… Read more »
Dear All, I found some conditions in Australia, related with the immigrants, are worse than before, the first time I came to Australia. I found there are some spying activities in individuals level to enable some of the spies to get what they want, or successful in Australia. Some of the spies are students. They are spying for the individual purpose. However in the mass quantity, it will influence the social behaviour, manner, and national defence of Australia as a whole. The spying devices, such as surveillance equipments, tracking device (which even was reported in the news can be done… Read more »
Does anyone actually realize how pathetic you all are? What country do you compare Australia to? Surrounded by Asian countries, where nepotism, corruption and mafia tactics are good manners in business at best of times. Europe, Japan or any half way civilized country is a million miles away. When you brag about your great time overseas, which was actually in Great Britten. You could’ve stayed at home, they are just the same kind of Island monkeys as you are. What could they possibly tell you about the rest of the world without utter disrespect or arrogance for other cultures? You… Read more »