On Walkabout At: Night Time In Hong Kong

Prior Posting: Charterhouse Hotel


This is the last posting I am going to do on my recent trip to Hong Kong, so I figured ending a series of postings on visiting the city would not be complete without sharing some pictures of the Hong Kong skyline at night.  The best place to view the Hong Kong skyline is from the Kowloon peninsula across from Hong Kong Island.  The best way to get to Kowloon is by taking one of the Star Ferries that regulary traverse Victoria Harbor.  My wife and I took the tram to Central Hong Kong from our hotel in Wan Chai and walked down to the Star Ferry pier.  The view of Central Hong Kong just from the ferry pier was quite awesome:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

The views of not only Central Hong Kong were good but the view of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center was also quite good:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

The views would only get better from Kowloon, but first we had to get there and to get there meant taking a ferry from the Star Ferry Pier:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

The ferry costs less then one US dollar to take and arrive regularly at the various piers to take commuters to not only Kowloon but also a number of other locations throughout the entire territory of Hong Kong:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

From the pier we could see our ferry boat about to arrive to take us to Kowloon:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

The seating on the ferry is not exactly comfortable because it is just bench seats but it only takes the ferry about 10 minutes to cross the harbor:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

From the ferry I was able to see the various other ferries traveling across Victoria Harbor:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

As the ferry boat approached the Kowloon side of the harbor there was a few cruise ships docked in the port:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

Once in Kowloon we exited the boat at the ferry terminal and walked along the side of the harbor towards the area most popular for people wanting to view the Hong Kong skyline.  This area is easy to find because there is a big large clocktower:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

This harbor side park was packed when my wife and I visited it because the Olympics were being played and there was plenty of attractions and shows going on promoting the Olympic spirit:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

However the Hong Kong skyline was a whole lot more interesting then the Olympic show, which was highlighted by Hong Kong’s largest building the 2 International Finance Center:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

The Bank of China Tower was also one of the other prominent buildings of the nigh time Hong Kong skyline whose outline lights would light up and flash in various patterns:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

Samsung was represented in the Hong Kong skyline with a smaller building with one of the largest neon signs proudly flashing Samsung:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

Besides the buildings it was interesting to watch the various boats cruising across the harbor such as this Chinese junk:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

After checking out the skyline it was time to head back to Central Hong Kong on the Star Ferry where we continued to watch the Central Hong Kong light show:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

Along the way I was able to get take a picture of the Central Plaza building in Wan Chai:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

Pretty soon the Central Hong Kong Star Ferry terminal came into view:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

From Central Hong Kong my wife and I then took the tram back to Wan Chai:

Night Time Picture from Hong Kong

By the end of our stay my wife and I both agreed that the Hong Kong skyline at night is the most spectacular we have seen, even better then New York.  Does anyone have any other recommendation of the best nightline skyline they have seen?

Overall, though we had a great trip to Hong Kong, which is truly an international and extremely dynamic city.  It is one of those places in the world where people who have lived there their whole lives will always find new interesting things because the diversity and ever changing nature of this city.  My wife and I definitely look forward to returning to Hong Kong one day.

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