Northern Territory Fisherman Survives Crocodile Attack

When I was visiting the Northern Territory to include a brief stop in Arnhem Land, I used to be amazed by the fishermen standing in the water oblivious to all the crocodiles that live in the waterways there:

A professional fisherman has been attacked by a crocodile while fishing in the Northern Territory.

The 45-year-old man was in the water when he was attacked off the Cobourg Peninsula in Arnhem Land, near Black Point, about 200 kilometres north east of Darwin.

Police said the fisherman was collecting trepang in the water just after noon when the crocodile attacked.

He has suffered injuries to his head and shoulders but they are not life-threatening.

The crocodile is believed to be two to three metres long.  [ABC News]

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Kenneth Hilliam
Kenneth Hilliam
14 years ago

I live in Canada but I think that there are safer, cheaper and more efficient methods and devices to track, catch and control crocs. Costs mentioned on the Internet are large. I would like Au Gov to consider giving free patents to non-Aussies if the inventors allow rangers to use them for free in Au to save lives and share world royalties to health. As in Eu,inventions should be for safety, medical and energy. Croc management covers all 3 criteria. Poor inventors and students would be attracted to apply for patents for their projects and Au gets export inventions. Enterprise… Read more »

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