El Paso’s Project Bravo Linked to Wasteful Spending

I was recently watching the KFOX news here on El Paso when they had a segment criticizing the non-profit group Project Bravo for improper accounting and use of money.  The report also talked about how this non-profit was receiving economic stimulus money.  So I did a quick Google Search to see what this stimulus money was for and this is what I found:

Project Bravo will begin its Green Affordable Housing project today in Montana Vista.

The group will mark the construction of the first green affordable home in the area.

The program is financed through a $149,212 HUD Rural Housing and Economic Development Capacity Building grant and $2.3 million in American Recovery Act funding. It is aimed at developing affordable, energy-efficient homes for low-income residents of the Montana Vista colonias.  [El Paso Times]

As regular readers of the site would know, this is the same green program that ABC News recently uncovered as being a wasteful government program that is costing tax payers over $57,000 a home for insulation and weatherization.  How come I suspect this same wasteful weatherization spending is going on with Project Bravo based off of what I just saw on the news?

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