Experts Recommend Fighting Back If Bitten By A Shark

Try and remember to do this the next time you find yourself attacked by a shark:

A shark expert says a 60-year-old woman who repeatedly punched a shark to save herself from its attack on the weekend probably surprised the animal into letting her go.

Sydney woman Paddy Trumbull was attacked by a shark off Dent Island in the Whitsundays in north Queensland.

She says she began punching it on the nose as it bit her on her leg and buttocks.

The Queensland Shark Control Program’s manager, Tony Ham, told ABC News Breakfast sharks generally do not expect their prey to turn around and strike back.

“It’s a good strategy and one that’s been used by a number of shark attack victims in recent times,” he said.

“They [the sharks] get a bit surprised I think, and one of the bonuses of today’s modern life is that humans are far more aware of what they can do for themselves.  [ABC Online]

I have always been told to not only punch a shark on its nose if attacked, but to try and poke its eye out as well.  Good to see that this lady survived the attack though.

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