An Almost White Christmas In El Paso

Here are a few pictures of the most recent snow storm to hit El Paso, Texas this year.  This first picture is from the west side of El Paso looking at the Franklin Mountains.

El Paso Snow Dec09

I took a drive than up to the top of Trans-mountain Road that connects west El Paso with East El Paso and took a few more pictures of the cloud covered mountains:

Cloudy Franklin Mountain Top

From the picnic area on the top of Trans-Mountain Road the clouds had parted enough to where I could see west El Paso nestled at the bottom of the range:


The snow up in the Franklins was not as much as we had from the snow storm earlier in the month, but it did leave enough for people to at least make a snowman:


Yesterday on Christmas Eve I took yet another drive up Trans-Mountain Road since the storm had passed and the clouds were gone.  I was able to take this spectacular landscape picture of one of this valley that leads to the summit of South Franklin Mountain:

Snowy Franklin Mountain Valley

The snow unfortunately did not stick on the lower elevation down in El Paso like the prior storm, but at least we got sort of a white Christmas this year with the Franklin Mountains right outside my window continuing to be cloaked in snow.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone.

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