Rise In New Zealand Temperatures Proven to Be Man Made, By Scientists Manipulating Data

In the wake of the ClimateGate scandal that exposed how climate data was being manipulated, comes news that the climate data from New Zealand has been manipulated as well.  Here is the graph the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research has been putting out in defense of global warming in New Zealand:

However, a group called the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition went and conducted their own audit of the raw temperature data from each of the stations that this graph was made from and this is what they got:

Big difference in graphs huh?  So how did the New Zealand government get such a slanted graph?  Well they intentionally changed the data to give the stations cooler temperatures in earlier years and warmer temperatures in later years to get a more slanted graph.  Make sure to read the whole report because it is amazing how blatant this fraud is. These findings don’t surprise me at all because when I went hiked around New Zealand’s Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers I found out that these glaciers had retreated drastically in prior decades long before any SUV’s and are now again growing in size.

So who is the man behind this fraud?  His name is Jim Salinger, a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change who started work on the series when he was with the University of East Anglia, which is the same university at the heart of the ClimateGate scandal.  So now we know where he learned his data manipulating tricks from.

You can read more from Anthony Watts on Salinger’s excuse for manipulating the data and his refusal to release his methods.

I am just wondering what other East Anglia scientists are out there around the globe manipulating climate data like Salinger?

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