Leaked Emails Prove Global Warming Is A Fraud

As I have been saying for quite some time now, global warming is a hoax:

COMPUTER hackers have broken into Britain’s leading climate science research centre, making public thousands of private emails between top climate change scientists.

The messages – more than 2000 emails and 3000 documents – lay bare bitter disagreements about the cause of climate change.

In one email, the head of Britain’s Climatic Research Unit, Phil Jones, says he is “cheered” by news of the sudden death of a prominent Australian climate sceptic, John L. Daly, who died of a heart attack at his Launceston home in 2004.

Others show scientists referring to sceptical colleagues as “prats”, “charlatans” and “idiots”.

The emails also acknowledge the frustration of trying to find evidence to “prove” man-made climate change.

In one email, Kevin Trenberth, a climatologist at the US Centre for Atmospheric Research, who supports the theory of man-made climate change, says: “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can’t.”  [The Australian]

It is unbelievable that hacked emails from Sarah Palin’s Yahoo account gets more media coverage than evidence of the biggest scientific hoax in history.

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