Australia Denies Paul Watson’s Visa Application

I can’t stand Paul Watson for a variety of reasons and it appears he has worn out his welcome with the Australian government as well:

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s planned mission this winter against the Japanese whaling effort has hit a snag because Capt. Paul Watson and his first officer are experiencing visa issues and so far are not being allowed into Australia.

Outposts reported on this Monday. Australia is the strategic point of departure for Sea Shepherd, which annually hunts and harasses the Japanese harpoon and factory vessels as their crews seek to kill minke whales in the Antarctic region during its summer.

Watson claims politics are behind the stringent visa requirements he’s being asked to comply with and on Tuesday posted a letter on the Sea Shepherd website blasting Australia’s government for its stance on whaling and for trying to “sabotage” the Sea Shepherd campaign.  [LA Times]

Click the link to read all about Watson’s whinging.

Australia isn’t the only country that Watson has worn out his welcome at, even the French, (yes the French!) have grown tired of Watson’s act.

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