Australia to Be Hit By More Global Cooling

The global cooling continues in Australia:

VICTORIANS have been warned to brace for a springtime cold snap, with freak conditions to bring rain and snow.

The Bureau of Meteorology predicts temperatures will drop to the low teens tomorrow and Wednesday as a front blows in from southwestern Tasmania.

“We will have a couple of days where we will struggle to get above the low to mid teens and there will be snow down to 600 or 800 metres,” forecaster Peter Newham said.

He said heavy snow in early spring had been rare in the past 50 years.

“There will be gusty winds, particularly in Gippsland,” Mr Newham said.  “There will be quite a lot of showers.”

He said top temperatures could fall below 14 degrees for the first time in six years.  The average Melbourne top temperature for October was 19.6 degrees.  [Daily Telegraph]

Tim Blair has the low down on even TIME magazine is admitting that global cooling is occurring and they even go as far as suggesting we could enter another ice age.

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