More Brits Airbrushing Photos for Posting On Social Networking Sites

I can’t say I have ever done this or even know of anyone doing this:

VAIN British holidaymakers are airbrushing their holiday snaps in a bid to boast on Facebook.

UK photo processing company Snappy Snaps said travellers are boosting boobs, whitening teeth and slimming stomachs to look better, reports The Sun.

In the past year Snappy Snaps are reported to have had a 550 per cent increase in people requesting remedial work on their holiday snaps to make them look more attractive.

Holidaymakers are said to have been paying photo companies such as Snappy Snaps up to $30 or using Photoshop themselves before uploading the altered images on to social networking sites.

“Everyone wants to look their best,” a Snappy Snaps spokesman said.  []

One good thing about this story though, it gives me an excuse to post a picture of chicks in bikinis.  😉

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