Canberra Woman Arrested for Being 10x Over the Legal Alcohol Limit
|This is one of the most extreme DUI cases I have ever seen, this woman is lucky to be alive:
A CANBERRA woman will front court after being caught allegedly driving with 10 times the legal blood-alcohol limit.The 20-year-old woman, with a probationary driver’s licence, was found to have reading of 0.199 after police stopped her vehicle in the suburb of Griffith early today.
The woman attracted the attention of police shortly after midnight because her vehicle had two punctured tyres and was travelling on its wheel rims, causing noise and sparks, ACT police said.
Sergeant Erin Pobar, officer in charge of ACT Policing traffic operations, said some members of the Canberra community still thought they could drink and drive with no consequences.
“I hope for their sake, their family’s sake, and the sake of the wider community that we catch these people before they lose more than just their licence,” she said.
The woman will be summonsed to appear in the ACT Magistrate’s Court.
The maximum permitted blood-alcohol concentration for probationary licence holders in the ACT is below 0.02. [AAP]
I learn something new every day, I didn’t know that the ACT had such a low blood alcohol level for P-platers.