Australia Ranks 6th In Expedia’s World’s Best Tourists Survey has voted the Japanese the world’s best tourists:

hotel image

For the first time ever, Expedia has published the results of a survey that focused on the good and the bad travel habits and practices of tourists from different countries, only to discover that the Japanese came out on top, when it came to the good traits. The study was based on the participation of 4,000 hoteliers from around the world, who provided their opinions on how members of different national groups ‘behave’ when they are in foreign countries.  [Expedia]

So how did Australians do?  Pretty well actually, Australia place 6th out of 27 countries:

AUSTRALIANS may be among the loudest travellers, but overall they are polite, don’t whinge, and are well behaved, a new survey has found.

In its second annual global Best Tourist Survey, online travel company Expedia found hoteliers around the world rank Australians the sixth-best tourists among 27 nationalities surveyed.

This is one notch higher than last year’s ranking.  [Daily Telegraph]

You hear a lot about the ugly American abroad, but in my experience traveling I never see it only hear about it.  I think this survey shows the ugly American stereotype is in fact largely not true because America finished 11th out of 27 countries surveyed.  Here is what Americans do well while abroad according to the survey:

Americans lead the way with putting effort into learning a few key sayings in the local language and sampling local delicacies. The French, Chinese and Japanese were the least likely to incorporate the local language, and the Chinese, Indians and Japanese have the least interest in the culinary styles of the places they visit. Americans are also considered the most generous, followed by the Canadians and Russians.  [The Examiner]

Didn’t President Obama during the campaign say that Americans don’t do enough to learn foreign languages while visiting overseas?

Anyway here is what Americans do not do well:

traveling americans

In contrast to American generosity and willingness to absorb local culture, they are considered to be noisy tourists, along with the Italians and British. Additionally, Americans are said to complain about accommodations, along with the Germans and French — and are also among the least tidy hotel guests. Lastly, Americans fall to the bottom of the list when it comes to fashion sense, with the ever stylish Italians and French taking top sartorial prize.

The fashion sense I thought was hilarious because it is so true.  When I am on holiday I don’t dress up, I wear comfortable pair of shorts or pants depending on the weather and a golf shirt usually. I do have to say if they include the most obese tourists on this survey the US will win hands down.  I have no doubt about that.

So who is the worst tourists?  Here you go:

French tourists are the worst in the world, coming across as bad at foreign languages, tight-fisted and arrogant, according to a survey of 4,500 hotel owners across the world.They finish in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency Expedia by polling company TNS Infratest, which said French holidaymakers don’t speak local languages and are seen as impolite.  [Reuters]

The ironic thing for me is every French person I have met abroad I have found to be very nice.

Anyway you can see the full list result here.

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Stephenie Brummer
Stephenie Brummer
11 years ago

Expedia was started by Microsoft and later spun off as a multi-billion dollar company because it was “no longer about software intensive technology” and they were “concerned that they would not do their best at this.”**

So long

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