Australian Man Fined Over Driving While Having Sex

This is such a Northern Territory story:

A MAN was caught having sex while driving because he and his girlfriend
could not wait until they reached their destination, a court has heard.

Bradley Dean Milne, 33, was charged with not wearing his
seatbelt, driving without due care and drink-driving when a witness
called police after seeing his car swerving all over the road, The Northern Territory News reports.

Darwin Magistrates Court heard that the couple were planning to drive to East Arm Wharf in the Mazda ute to have sex.

Police prosecutor Leigh Cahill said Milne “became aroused” and the woman gave him oral sex while he was driving.

Milne was swerving from one side of the road to the other until the car stopped at traffic lights.

they turned right onto Berrimah Rd, the woman straddled Milne while he
kept driving, swerving into the kerbside and back into the middle lane.

When police stopped the car and Milne was asked why he had been
drinking – with a blood alcohol concentration of .097 per cent – he
said: “Come on, mate. What would you do? We were going to the wharf but
we didn’t quite get there.”

Milne’s lawyer Ian Rowbottam said last night that Milne was too embarrassed to speak about the incident again.

Milne was fined $1400 and disqualified him from driving for six months.  [Northern Territory News]

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