Corey Worthington Is Looking for A Job, Would You Hire Him?

Look who is looking for work now, is anyone surprised?:

NEIGHBOURHOOD nuisance Corey Worthington wants a real job.

Worthington, 18, is looking for work after realising his 15 minutes of fame is over.

Worthington’s manager Max Markson said the controversial teen had not worked since his party planning disaster, other than various media appearances, including being an intruder on Big Brother.

But he said his client was ready to get his hands dirty and was looking for a job as a bricklayer, a carpenter or a concreter – in fact, “anything outdoors” in the Narre Warren, Dandenong, or Frankston area.

“He is happy to work five days a week, he is happy to work seven days a week, he wants to work,” Markson said.

“His 15 minutes of fame is well and truly gone. He has earned some money from that, now he has to join society and get a job.”

Markson said Worthington, who had asked him for help in finding work, would be no trouble to an employer.  [Herald-Sun]

Like I said last year I didn’t mind the fact he was cashing in on his 15 minutes of fame, but I advised he stay in school and have a Plan B ready because party planning is not necessarily a job too many people can make a living at doing.

Anyway here is a question for everyone, would you hire this infamous party teenager to work for you?

Would you hire Corey Worthington?
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