Reports of Trouble In Princess Mary’s Marriage

For those that don’t know, Australia actually has a princess, however she happens to be a Tasmanian woman who became the Princess of Denmark.  Well it appears she is no longer living the fairy tale it at first appeared to be:

A DAMAGING new book has cast a shadow over this week’s five-year wedding anniversary of Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary of Denmark.

The book claims the couple’s fairytale romance is not all it appears and that Mary is struggling to cope with her husband’s “playboy” ways.

Author Trine Villemann is also highly critical of the pair’s lavish spending on parties, holidays and home makeovers.

“As the global financial crisis deepens and ordinary people lose their jobs, homes and pensions, it is harder to stand by and watch Frederik and Mary abuse their position,” Villemann writes online.

“Cosseted in a golden cage of privilege and luxury, they are in danger of becoming as unpalatable as the world’s bankers.

“Instead of treating their titles with respect, Frederik and Mary are using them to milk the cash cow otherwise known as the Danish taxpayer.”

The King and Queen of Greenland will be released in Denmark tomorrow to coincide with the couple’s fifth wedding anniversary on Thursday and is set to stir up a heated debate.  [Herald-Sun]

Mary Donaldson first met Prince Frederik at a pub while he was attending the Olympic Games in Sydney Australia in 2000.  They hit it off and she eventually moved to Europe to continue the courtship and the two were eventually married in 2004.  She has since given birth to a boy and a girl. 

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