Sydney Surfer Attacked By Shark

I have to agree with the local surfers in the article that say surfing at dawn or dusk just isn’t a good idea:

A TEENAGE surfer mauled by a shark off Sydney’s northern beaches is recovering well in hospital after four hours of surgery on his leg.

Andrew Lindop, 15, was attacked by a shark, believed to be about 2m long, during an early morning surf with his father off North Avalon beach yesterday.

The 6.45am attack prompted renewed warnings about swimming and surfing at dawn or dusk, which are prime feeding times for sharks.

Local surfers said yesterday’s conditions had made an attack more likely.  Warm waters and coastal rains had attracted large numbers of baitfish to the area, bringing predators with them, The Australian reported.

I guess this will only feed the debate on whether sharks really are on the rampage in Australia?

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