Kinglake Fire Linked to Downed Powerline

This lawsuit could get real ugly as residents of the towns effected by the bushfires will be rightfully outraged by this news:

THE Brumby Government and a private electricity company face one of the largest class actions in Victorian history over last weekend’s devastating firestorm.

The legal wrangle, which is expected to involve hundreds of millions of dollars and last for years, will centre on a fallen power line that is believed to have sparked the blaze that tore through Kinglake, Steels Creek and St Andrews, killing more than 100 people and destroying about 1000 homes.

The Phoenix taskforce is examining a two-kilometre stretch of power line in Kilmore East that snapped during strong winds and record heat about 11am last Saturday. Within minutes a nearby pine forest was ablaze. Within six hours the fire had destroyed nearly every building in the towns in its path.

On Thursday, police removed a length of the fallen power line and a pole as evidence.

The lawsuit will cover thousands of farmers, small business owners, tourist operators and residents who lost homes.  [The Age]

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