Hoons Taunt Police on YouTube

This is something I really find annoying in Australia, which is the number of hoons the speed on the roads here.  Now the hoons have taken their antics on to YouTube:

FURIOUS police are scouring the internet for the irresponsible antics of hoon drivers and have vowed to use covert sting operations to catch them.

The warning to exhibitionists who post videos of their potentially deadly stunts on website YouTube has been issued by South Australia’s police Traffic Support Branch Superintendent Mark Fairney.

“We’re not taking it, we’ve had enough,” he said.

A series of hoon videos made in SA has been posted on YouTube in the past six months. The footage outraged police and the RAA, with both saying innocent motorists were at risk from the stunts.

In one video clip, a motor-cyclist was filmed from different angles and can be seen reaching a speed of 210km/h at Eagle on the Hill. The white-knuckle ride was filmed by a bike-mounted camera and several roadside positions.

The title of the clip boasts that the rider hit 215km/h.

The video, posted in July, included a Google Earth map following the route.

A fourth video captured a cat-and-mouse game between a high-powered Mazda RX7 and a motorbike in the Hills.

Supt Fairney said: “Police scan YouTube and any other medium for examples of idiotic behaviour and 2009 will certainly be a year when we will be taking those reckless individuals out of the picture as best we can.”

He described the videos as “reckless”, saying police were already using covert investigations to combat hoons risking the lives of other motorists on Adelaide Hills roads.  [Sunday Mail]

Australia has a large number of single lane roads and I have lost count how many times I have had a hoon pass me at break neck speed and nearly caused an accident with an oncoming vehicle.  By far I have found the speeding hoons in Australia much worse then those back in the states.

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