Adelaide Wife Kills Husband By Setting Fire to His Genitals

I don’t know what it is, but strange murders seem to happen in Adelaide:

A MAN whose wife allegedly set fire to his genitals while he slept has died.

Satish Narayan, 47, an engineer, lost his battle to survive at the Royal Adelaide Hospital yesterday, 20 days after sustaining burns to most of his body.

The incident has now been declared a major crime by police and it is likely his wife, Rajini, will face a charge of manslaughter or murder.

Police have alleged Mr Narayan’s wife doused his genitals with methylated spirit and then set him on fire about 5.30am on December 7.

Mrs Narayan had been charged with causing serious harm to her husband, arson and endangering her children.  [Sunday Mail]

For those that don’t know many infamous murder cases have happened in Adelaide which have earned the city the distinction of being dubbed “Australia’s City of Corpses“.

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