Kevin Rudd Not the Messiah of Climate Change

I have always said the global warming climate change issue was in fact a religious movement and this is just further evidence that it is:

THE Rudd Government has shrugged off criticism that its climate change plan emissions targets are too weak, including from its own adviser.

Professor Ross Garnaut has savaged parts of the Federal Government’s climate change plan, saying a massive lobbying exercise by vested interests secured a generous deal for business.

Prof Garnaut, hired by the federal and state governments to advise on what Australia should do about climate change, said the scheme was “over the top” after “unprecedented lobbying from vested interests … unprecedented in Australian policy-making, the extent of it”.

“There’s no doubt that the rate of return in lobbying has been very high,” Prof Garnaut told AAP.

He also thinks the Government should not have ruled out a deep, 25 per cent cut in emissions by 2020.  (…..)

Opposition climate change spokesman Greg Hunt accused Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of setting up false expectations that he would take tough action on climate change.

“It’s about the impression of activity, clothing it with a moral purpose and then the failure to deliver practical action,” Mr Hunt said.

“He’s not the Messiah when it comes to climate change, he’s just a very naughty boy and he set those false expectations.”  [AAP]

And here I thought the global warming crowd had found their Messiah, Al Gore?  I didn’t realize the search for the real global warming Messiah was still on going.

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