Australia Movie Premiers in England

I guess Nicole Kidman has to do something to get British people to watch her new movie, Australia:

NICOLE Kidman has braved the London cold in a white see-through dress on the red carpet for the premiere of Australia.
Kidman appeared alongside Hugh Jackman, director, writer and producer Luhrmann, and his wife Catherine Martin. If Kidman was surprised by the flashbulbs catching her out, she shouldn’t have been. Only days before in Spain, the same thing happened to her with camera lights catching her out at the Madrid premiere of Australia.

The film has received mixed reviews, in particular being criticised for offering a stereotyped view of Australia, but Kidman said: “I hope people like it and it makes them fall in love with my country.

“I hope they realise it’s funny and romantic and it’s a popcorn movie.”  [Herald-Sun]

No this is not a popcorn movie, in fact it is barely watchable.  Yes it was funny at points, but definitely not romantic.  Plus I seriously doubt the movie will cause any surge in tourism in Australia.  Who wants to go to a country filled with drunk, sweaty, racist people in need of a shower?  That is the way the movie makes Australians look.
Anyway you can read my full Australia movie review here.
For those curious here is how Kidman looked at the British premiere:
They weren’t kidding when they said she was wearing a see through dress:
Here is Kidman with co-star Hugh Jackman:
Hugh Jackman was recently seen on the popular American TV program the view passing off false history about his country further tarnishing the image of Australians abroad.  Anyone from the UK reading this I would save this one for a DVD rental because the only thing that could save this movie would be if Nicole Kidman was wearing a see through dress throughout the movie, which unfortunately she isn’t.
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