A Female Australian Virgin is Looking for A Hot Date

If any of you guys out there have ever dreamed of marrying an Australian virgin, well here is your chance!:

Despite several marriage proposals throughout her lifetime Maria Caterina Reitano – who turns 100 in January – is extremely proud of the fact she has never made love to a man.

Known to all as Aunty Cathy, Ms Reitano lives at Lady of Grace nursing home in Dural.

“When I was younger I thought I may have been missing out but then a few men came along when I was older and I said no,” she said.

“If I wanted to get married I would have in the flower of my youth.” (…)

Being raised a Roman Catholic meant that she would never give up her virginity outside of marriage and she believes she will go straight to heaven as a result.

But being a virgin has never stopped her discussing men with her nieces.

After hearing about a 105-year-old virgin in Britain recently, Ms Reitano’s family knew she would want her story told.

But when interviewed through an interpreter by The Daily Telegraph she made it clear it was never too late. “Tell them I’m single,” she said.  [News.com]

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Giga Dragon
Giga Dragon
16 years ago

❗ ❗ RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!! ❗ ❗

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