Snake Bites Sleeping Girl in the Northern Territory

You can always count on a story from the NT concerning some kind of wildlife attack and here is yet another one:

A GIRL in the Northern Territory woke when a snake slithered into her bed, wrapped around her neck and bit her on the arm.

Ashlee Findlay, 16, who is afraid of snakes, spiders and centipedes, spent two hours at a hospital after the attack, the Northern Territory News reported.

The receptionist said she would be haunted by the incident.  “Everyone was a bit freaked,” she said.

Ms Findlay woke up in her Howard Springs home early on Thursday morning when the snake bit her.

“I thought it was a huge spider or something. I hate spiders. But a few seconds later, I felt something moving past my neck,” she said. “I turned on my light to see this huge slithering snake on my pillow.”  [Northern Territory News]

Yes waking up to find a snake biting you in your bed would be scary, but I find this even more scary.

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