Virtual Strip Search Controversy at Australia’s Airports

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I really couldn’t care about this issue either way, but I do understand why people would be upset with this:

PASSENGERS have condemned the trial of new airport x-ray technology dubbed the “virtual strip search”, saying they fear images of their genitals will end up on Facebook and MySpace.

Children could be screened by pedophiles, while pregnant women could be exposed to radiation if the new technology is accepted, say readers.

The full-body scanner, on trial in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide airports from this month, allows screeners to detect non-metallic devices, objects and weapons concealed on a person’s body. It also reveals body outlines, organs and genitals. []

If this technology means that I don’t have to empty my pockets, take off my shoes, or belt at airport security anymore then I would be all for it.

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j purdin
j purdin
14 years ago

I find it interesting that people are so worried about their genitals being seen-especially since probably 80% are freely posing nude online anyway. In a 6 month research scan it has been totaled so far as no less than 500,000 american females can be found online fully nude in the US alone and males are not that far behind them. Of course you could go with the alternative to know what the 9/11 victims felt just before their plane was park inside the world trade center.–think about it.

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