“Sex Club” for Six Year Olds Busted in Brisbane

This is just incredible and sickening at the same time:

THREE boys aged six ran a sex club at a Brisbane state school demanding and receiving sexual favours from Year 2 classmates.

One outraged father claimed yesterday the school did not bother to tell him for more than a week that his son was involved.

He spoke out as similar stories emerged at state schools on the Gold and Sunshine coasts and Cairns, which indicate the sexual abuse of young students by other school children appears rampant.

The Brisbane father said his son was one of a trio seen performing various sex acts in a toilet block.

“The teachers interrogated the kids and made them write out statements without our consent,” he said. “The boys wrote down that they belonged to a sex club.

“The teachers didn’t make contact for six days. They sent me an email and said, ‘Sorry, we’ve been busy’.

“We believe older children were also involved. I want a full police investigation.

“I was on the phone for hours being fobbed off by the Education Department.”

His revelations came as uproar was sparked by yesterday’s Courier-Mail story, which told how the sexual assault of a seven-year-old girl by a young classmate was dismissed as a “childhood experiment” by a country school principal.  [Courier-Mail]

What is even more incredible about this story is that this is not the first time a six-year old has started a “Sex Club” in Australia:

THE Education Department has investigated claims a six-year-old student ran a “sex club” at an eastern suburban primary school, involving up to up to half a dozen grade 1 students.

One mother said her son, also six, was asked to perform a sex act, and that the alleged perpetrator also exposed his genitals to students.

Following an investigation, the department has admitted that the student exposed students to sexual conversations and proposed activities, but denied the existence of a “sex club”. The alleged perpetrator received counselling.

The mother has been unable to make a police report because the law states sexual assault by a child under 10 cannot be prosecuted.  [Brisbane Times]

Read the whole thing because the school in VIctoria this boy went to also bungled the investigation of the “Sex Club” last year just like the Brisbane school did this year.  The first thing that comes to mind when I read something like this is how does a six-year old learn or know anything about sex in the first place?  Obviously someone must have shown these six year olds videos or oral sex being done in order for them to replicate it in school.

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