New South Wales MP Matt Brown Sacked for Sex Act
|I have often said Australia and the US has many similarities and here is another one of those similarities; in the US we have Larry Craig to make fun of in our Congress while in Australia they have Matt Brown:
FORMER NSW police minister Matt Brown admits to behaviour “not befitting a minister” but today denied simulating a sex act with a fellow MP.
The morning after he resigned after just three days in the role, the shell-shocked MP for Kiama addressed the “appalling, offensive allegations”.
“There have been some scurrilous accusations about inappropriate behaviour regarding a female work colleague,” Mr Brown said. “I want to state categorically they are lies, they are not true. They did not happen.”
A witness told The Australian that at a party in his office three months ago Mr Brown stripped down to his “very brief” underpants and danced to loud “Oxford Street-style” techno music on a green leather Chesterfield couch.
Premier Nathan Rees last night forced Mr Brown to resign following a tense conversation over appropriate ministerial behaviour. [The Australian]