New Zealand Man to Sell His Soul

It was strange enough when an Australian man sold his life on E-bay last week, but this story really takes the cake:

New Zealand man has put his soul up for auction to the highest bidder, noting that it is “a merry old soul” rather than a “funk soul brother” but that he would “would like to think there is a bit of funk in there somewhere.”

Walter Scott, 24, put his soul up for sale on New Zealand Internet auction site TradeMe, and so far has received more than 100 expressions of interest.

Bids in the auction, which was to close Thursday, had reached $189 late Wednesday.

Scott said he had been thinking about selling his soul for ages.

“I can’t see it, touch it or feel it, but I can sell it, so I’m going to palm it off to the highest bidder,” he said. [AP]

I don’t know what is more absurd, the fact the guy is selling his soul online or that there are people out there willing to pay hundreds of dollars to buy it?

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