On Walkabout in: Canberra at Night

As I mentioned in my prior posting I was recently in Canberra for work related reasons once again which is why I have an extensive photo archive of pictures from Canberra on this website.  However, since I have taken so many pictures of Canberra during the day; I decided that this time in Canberra I was going to take some photographs of the city at night since I had never tried to do that before.

My Fujifilm Finepix S5700 is not the best camera in the world for taking night pictures, especially since I don’t have a tripod, but the camera is good enough for what I need it to do which take decent pictures to share with friends and family and put on this blog.

I decide to start my walk around Canberra at night at the Parliament House which is the seat of government in Australia:


From the front of the Parliament House I then walked down to the front of the Old Parliament House that was the first seat of government in Australia until the newer Parliament House was built:


From the Old Parliament House and I then walked across the Kings Bridge northeast of the Parliament House and walked over to the National Carillon:


The National Carillon was present by Great Britain to Canberra in commemoration of the Gold Jubilee of the founding of the national capitol of Australia on 26 April, 1970 that was presided over by Queen Elizabeth II.

The National Carillon is actually quite photogenic at night:


The National Carillon sits on Aspen Island out on Lake Burley-Griffin and is only accessed by this foot bridge:


From the island you have a nice view of all the sites on the south side of Canberra to include the Telstra Tower:


The National Gallery of Australia is the most prominent government building seen from the island:


Commonwealth Place is also right across from the island as well:


From the National Carillon I then walked up ANZAC Parade where the Australian War Memorial is located.   Here is the plaque located in the front of the War Memorial that overlooks ANZAC Parade and the Parliament House in the far distance:


Then of course in front of the plaque is the Australian War Memorial which should be a must see for anyone visiting Australia’s national capitol:


From the War Memorial I then called my wife who picked me up and we then drove to the top of Mt. Ainsle which provides an excellent view of Canberra looking over the Australian War Memorial and the ANZAC Parade towards Parliament House:


Just a beautiful view that if you are visiting Canberra you should take a few minutes to drive to the top of Mt. Ainsle to check out.  Besides Mt. Ainsle make sure to take a walk at least around the Lake Burley-Griffin area at night because that is where you get the best ground level views of Canberra at night.   It was a great time walking around taking pictures of this great city but I’m glad I brought a jacket because Canberra sure can be cold in June.

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