Global Warming Blamed for Faulty Powerlines

Here is a perfect example of why politicians love global warming:

Households and businesses had to wait six days for power to be restored after last week’s wild weather, which killed four, blacked out 420,000 homes and caused $80 million damage.  (…)

Premier John Brumby blamed global warming for the damage and warned severe winds would become more frequent.

But industry experts, technicians and the Electrical Trades Union blamed staff shortages, frail powerlines and a failure to prune overhanging trees.

"There are not enough blokes in the industry and not enough are being trained," one experienced line worker said. [Herald-Sun]

Some how I seriously doubt this was the first time in history a wind storm that dropped heavy rain hit Victoria. How can someone claim increasing wind storms are hitting Victoria when in the two years I have lived here that is the first severe wind storm I have seen hit the state.  To claim more severe wind storms are coming is just more fear mongering to obscure the issue that the government failed to prune trees and hire enough utility personnel to fix downed powerlines. 

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