Eco-loon “Manhandled” West Australian Premier

Another anti-whaling eco-idiot is at it yet again:

WEST Australian Premier Alan Carpenter was manhandled by a protester while speaking at a taxi drivers’ rally on the steps of parliament today.

Taxi drivers converged on the WA parliament this morning to protest changes by the State Government to the industry.

Mr Carpenter emerged from the parliament after drivers demanded to speak to him.

Police spokesman Ian Hasleby said it was understood the Premier was "manhandled" by a man on the steps of parliament while he spoke to the taxi drivers.

"Apparently this guy is not a taxi driver but was at the rally," Mr Hasleby said.

It is understood the man, who was an anti-whaling protester, was tackled by the Premier’s security guards and spoke to the Premier after he was released.  [AAP]

I wonder if he is related to this eco-idiot?

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