Differences in Opinion, The Japanese Whaling Issue

There probably isn’t a better example of how far apart the differences in opinion between Japan and Australia are in regards to whaling than these two videos.

Video One – Dragonball Z takes on the eco-loons:

Video Two – The Chaser on Japanese whaling:

I’m not saying the Chaser’s segment was racist, but I can understand why Japanese people say it is especially after being subject to this video advocating for the killing of a Japanese man as well.

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16 years ago

[…] My wife and I were sitting in the dining car eating dinner and we were talking to some Aussie tourists also eating dinner and they were wondering what the white sand was. I told them that it wasn’t sand, but really salt and then proceeded to tell them how the environmental damage caused by the deforestation of the country is producing these salt plains that are destroying the land. They had never heard of this, which I found incredible since I find this to be a huge environmental issue that Australia is facing and yet Australians know little about… Read more »

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