Australia Needs 95% Cut in Greenhouse Gases

Just another reason why I can’t take the global warming alarmist seriously:

IN A wonderful act of subversion, the Sydney Morning Herald’s splendidly-named Stephanie Peatling this week managed to sneak a comic gem past her vigilant editors: "The greenhouse gas cuts Australia must achieve to prevent dangerous climate change may be substantially higher than thought, with modelling to be released today suggesting it should be as much as 95 per cent by 2020."

That modelling was the work of a leftist panic hive called the Australia Institute, presided over by director Clive Hamilton.

I called Clive on Thursday to discuss how we might achieve this reduction, which essentially would require that Australians stop doing everything, including breathing.

I also wanted to know how even a 100 per cent cut in Australia’s carbon output could influence the global climate, given that we only generate about 1.5 per cent of all global emissions.

Make sure you read the whole article which is just a demolition of these global warming alarmists.  If you are not reading Tim Blair yet you really need to.  His blog is great and his commenters are extremely funny with their Aussie wit. 

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