No Snow?

What the hell is this guy talking about?:

The man, dressed only in a pair of Speedos, approached the prime minister as he mingled with guests in the local RSL.

He shouted: “What are you doing about global warming? There is no snow, there is no snow”, before he was quickly bundled away by security staff into a nearby toilet.

We just had the coldest June in 50 years and today was the coldest day we have yet this year where I live.  The nearby mountains are covered in snow.  Mt. Buller which is the nearest ski resort to Melbourne where I live, is reporting the best start to a snow season in 17 years:

Mt Buller is having the best start to a snow season in almost two decades, with a resort average of 83cm of snow just four weeks into the season. 

More than 50cm has fallen in the past week, giving the resort the most natural snow on the ground at this stage of the season since 1990. The resort is only nine centimetres behind the epic 1981 season when natural snow depths peaked at 2.10 metres. 

I need to get up there to Mt. Buller soon.  I recommend this global warming idiot take a trip up there too and see the snow for himself. 

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