On Walkabout Across: San Augustin Pass, New Mexico

The Organ Mountains to the east of Las Cruces, New Mexico are extremely rugged, which makes traveling across the mountains historically very difficult.  In fact there is only one road across the these mountains, which has been the preferred route across these mountains for centuries.  Today US route 70 connects Las Cruces to Alamogordo, New Mexico, but for centuries this route was used by Native Americans, and then the Spanish, Mexicans, and finally Americans to cross these rugged mountains.

san augustine pass

This route has been known since the days of the Spanish conquistadors as San Augustin Pass:

San Augustine Pass 7

Interestingly enough is that on the slopes of this pass is where the famous lawman Pat Garrett was shot and killed.

The summit of this pass reaches to 5,700 feet and offers sweeping views of the Tularosa Basin, White Sands Missile Range, and of course the Organ Mountains:

San Augustine Pass 5

The viewpoint fortunately has a nice sign that shows the names of the various peaks plus the history of the Organ Mountains:

San Augustine Pass 6

To north is San Augustine Peak that rises impressively over the pass:

San Augustin Pass 1

Looking down into the Tularosa Basin I could also see from the summit of the pass the famous White Sands Missile Range:

San Augustine Pass 8

In honor of the history of White Sands Missile Range a large Nike Hercules Missile is setup on display at the summit of San Augustin Pass:

San Augustine Pass 4

San Augustin Pass 3

San Augustin Pass does provide some nice views, but to get some even better views of the Organ Mountains I highly recommend driving down the Aguirre Springs Campground Road.  The road provides spectacular, unobstructed views of these amazing mountains.

Next Posting: The Road to the Organ Mountains

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