Hawaii Debates Legalizing Gambling On the Islands

I love Hawaii, but it would be a shame to see the islands spoiled by casino gambling and everything else that comes with it:

Hawaii has always been known for its sun, sand and surf. It may soon add another attraction: slot machines.Hawaii is one of the last two states with no form of legalized gambling — the other is Utah — but Hawaiian lawmakers facing billion-dollar budget deficits and hunting for ways increase revenues are thinking about allowing casinos in tourist-filled Waikiki or on Native Hawaiian lands.

Proponents say casinos would draw much-needed new money and jobs into the long-troubled, tourism-dependent economy.

They insist tourists from the mainland would skip Las Vegas to sun on pristine beaches and take a turn at the roulette tables. Coveted high-rollers from Asia could avoid the long trans-Pacific flight, shortening their trip to the slots while also checking out the hula dancing.  [Mainichi Daily News]

Gambling is an easy source of revenue, but it seems like that revenue would be off set by fewer tourists coming due to the family friendly atmosphere of Waikiki where most tourists go being spoiled.  If the casinos are established on traditional Hawaiian lands away from the major tourism areas it probably would not be that big of a deal.

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